Keep the Love of Learning Alive in Your Preschooler

Toddlers and preschoolers are by nature, curious. They are excited about learning new things and are eager to ask questions and explore. You can keep this spark alive by encouraging these behaviors in your child. Encourage your child to ask questions; allow her  to dance (or sing or play music); and be supportive of her natural curiosity.

Anyone who has ever had the privilege of caring for a three-year old will tell you that they can be relentless with the barrage of questions they will throw at you in any given day. While we all know that it can be frustrating after a time, continue to answer your child. Turn the question around on them – “Mommy, why does the cat have fur?” “Well, why do YOU think the cat has fur?”

Preschool-aged kids want to MOVE! They want to sing and dance and turn your coffee table into a drum set. Let him! Enjoy his freedom. Allow him to explore the way his body moves, his voice sounds, and the way he can create music with whatever he finds.

Be supportive of your child’s natural curiosity. When your daughter wants to help cook dinner, let her stir or pour ingredients into the bowl. You can clean up the mess together too! If your son is asking to help with the vacuuming don’t worry that it won’t be done right, encourage his curiosity – let him help. Ask him questions about what he’s doing, “Where does the dirt go?”

Calvert’s Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is designed to encourage this love of learning.

What does Calvert’s Pre-Kindergarten  program offer you?

  • Curriculum designed to balance work and play
  • Engaging, hands-on activities and manipulatives that help focus your child’s readiness skills
  • All of the tools necessary to prepare for academic Kindergarten
  • Vocabulary-building activities and exercises designed to stimulate visual and auditory discrimination and develop pre-reading skills
  • A basis in associating ideas, building  logical sequences, and strengthening comprehension and memory–skills essential for a strong foundation in math
  • A year of guided, fun developmental activities

Save up to $300 on Calvert’s Pre-Kindergarten curriculum for a limited time! 
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