
Homeschooling Resources

Welcome! Homeschooling is an exciting journey, and we will be with you every step of the way. These resources will help you navigate the state requirements and access local support groups.

Homeschooling Regulatory Information

The link below may help you with legal questions about homeschooling in your state.

Illinois State Board of Education

Illinois Homeschool Support Groups

Homeschool support groups in your state are an excellent way to gain more assistance and guidance in your homeschooling endeavors. A regional support group fosters a wonderful sense of community among homeschooling families and allows for more opportunities to exchange ideas, plan group outings, and share in the overall experience of homeschooling! While Calvert supports the development of community among homeschooling families, this list does not constitute affiliation between Calvert Education and the groups represented below.


COD offers a wide variety of youth enrichment and review courses for grades K through 8. Options include academic skill builders, languages, arts, sciences, and technology. Examples of some of our popular offerings include Study Skills, Kick Start reading and math, ISAT Test Prep, and Lego Robotics. Classes are held on COD’s Glen Ellyn campus and at many off-campus locations.


CAHSA unites Central Illinois homeschoolers where I-74, I-55, and I-39 connect by providing information about activities and academic opportunities. We offer field trips, annual testing, a chapter of Eta Sigma Alpha (National Homeschool Honor Society), B.A.C.H.S. (Homeschool Choir), Homespun 4H Club, Toastmasters, Enrichment Group, Mom’s Night Out, Teen Group, Google Discussion Group, and The Connection newsletter.


ICHE is a not-for-profit Christian organization composed of families dedicated to the success of home education in Illinois.

ICHE was started in December of 1983 by four Christian families seeking the support and fellowship of like-minded home educators. They decided to form ICHE for the purpose of encouraging the establishment of distinctly Christian support groups; compiling information helpful to the creation of such groups; and making it available to support group leaders.

ICHE is governed by a Board of Directors and is not a membership organization. ICHE is largely staffed by volunteer home-educating families. Its affiliation with Christian support groups is informal, at no cost to these groups. Its annual operating budget is met through the monies received for various publications, books, and conferences each year, as well as generous donations from the friends of ICHE.